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Race performance of Mountleader Matt
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Pedigree  |  8 races  |  stats  |  117 offspring  |  top_offspr  |  2nd_offspring_female  |  top_2nd_off_female  |  2nd_offspring_male  |  top_2nd_off_male  

Race statistic of Mountleader Matt

Mountleader Matt has won the following races: (8.0 PTS)

Race NameDateStadiumGradeDist m/yTimeBoxComment
Michael O Connor Painting Contractor 325 14 AUG 2010 TraleeOPEN297 / 32517.631EP,ALd
Dan Tim O'Sullivan 325 18 JUN 2010 TraleeOPEN297 / 32517.581QAw,ALd
The Tote Pick Four Jackpot 325 8 MAY 2010 TraleeGR S3297 / 32517.473QAw,ALd

Number of races run per year

Year 2010 Total

How was the dog placed on the different distances?

Summary of year 2010
Dist m/y# runs1st2nd3rd4th5th6thavgfastestfastest raceForm
297 / 3255 3 1  1   17.72 17.478 MAY 2010134
302 / 3301  1     18.10 18.108 APR 201072
366 / 4001      1 22.17 22.1719 JUL 201030
Total7 3 2 0 1 0 1

Summary of all years
Dist m/y# runs1st2nd3rd4th5th6thavgfastestfastest raceForm
297 / 3255 3 1  1   17.72 17.478 MAY 2010134
302 / 3301  1     18.10 18.108 APR 201072
366 / 4001      1 22.17 22.1719 JUL 201030
Total7 3 2 0 1 0 1

Comparison of the dogs times to the times of the winners and other runners per track

Last 8 races of the dog are taken into account.

dwt= Difference in seconds between the dog's time and the average winning time on this track on that quarter of the year
dt= Difference in seconds between the dog's time and the average runner time on this track on that quarter of the year

A negative number means the dog was faster that the average winning/runner time.
A positive number means the dog was slower than the average winning/runner time.

Race NameDateStadiumGradeDist m/yFinTimedwtdtstimeboxpostsspkgcommentptsForm
The 2010 Red Mills Southern Sprint Round 1 15 OCT 2010 YoughalOPEN297 / 3254th18.160.36-0.02 2 2/132.25EP,Blk 1 70
The Bet Online with the Tote 325 25 SEP 2010 TraleeOPEN297 / 3256th0.00-- 5562/132.75EvAw,KO Ru 
Michael O Connor Painting Contractor 325 14 AUG 2010 TraleeOPEN297 / 3251st17.63-0.38-0.69 1115/432.75EP,ALd 118
Bar One Racing Irish Sprint Cup Round 1 19 JUL 2010 DundalkOPEN366 / 4006th22.170.470.057.453564/132.75SlAw,NvShw 30
Dan Tim O'Sullivan 325 18 JUN 2010 TraleeOPEN297 / 3251st17.58-0.36-0.70 1112/132.25QAw,ALd4.0123
The Benefit Night's at the Stadium 325 5 JUN 2010 TraleeOPEN297 / 3252nd17.74-0.20-0.54 4216/432.75EP,Ld 1 107
The Tote Pick Four Jackpot 325 8 MAY 2010 TraleeGR S3297 / 3251st17.47-0.47-0.81 3336/431.75QAw,ALd4.0134
The Upcoming Events @ Curraheen Park 330 8 APR 2010 CorkGR S4302 / 3302nd18.100.10-0.30 3112/131.75EP,EvCh 72