Welcome to Greyhound-Data

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries. Online are 5,054,784 race results and 2,402,786 greyhound pedigrees. Please read our Privacy Policy here
131070 greyhounds have found forever homes thanks to the great work the retirement/adoption groups registered with us have done.
Visit Your Greyhounds individual Website
Greyhound-Data has created an individual website for every greyhound in its database. So if you have a greyhound that has been entered into our database your dog has its own website. Here you will find a collection of all the information we have about your dog. Simply click here and enter your greyhounds official name to visit their own personal website.
Test Mating
You can choose between all the world's sires and so it is no wonder that this feature is extremely popular with greyhound breeders around the globe.