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TopicTopic StarterRepliesViewsLast ActionLast PostAgree
  Vale - Paul SteedmanPeter Bryce554004 Feb 07:46Russ Forno 1
  Thoughts on Dyna Double OneDonna Sadler1990502 Feb 19:52Donna Sadler 0
  Maiden races in JanuaryRod Hampton021401 Feb 04:28 2
  Agent wanted in NZ for GPPIFR3300 laser.Jack Ogilvie09930 Jan 21:15 0
  cost of straw Karen Whitworth345930 Jan 12:09Darren Leeson 0
  USA 2 Tracks Left Racing.Martin James260629 Jan 19:28Martin James 0
  Vale chubby chambers. Jack Ogilvie340729 Jan 10:42Ryan Vanderwert 0
  AVA Australia want to ban FSI    (1, 2, 3 )Robynne Black39215228 Jan 23:08Darren Leeson 1
  Buying a pup on GD.Jack Ogilvie13155527 Jan 16:37Frank Muldowney 0
  Tony Gallagher Peter MacLeod126325 Jan 09:45Tony Gallagher 0
  Australian Results & Race Time Ratings not updatedSandro Bechini527524 Jan 19:28Sandro Bechini 2
  Launching Pad David Mennie638823 Jan 20:46Kevin Martin 0
  SHIMA SHINE   (1, 2 )Steven Martin35708623 Jan 19:48Matthew Clark 2
  Sire Suggestions Please Robynne Black430023 Jan 06:08Michael Worth 0
  Thoughts on these matings please David Mennie937923 Jan 04:42David Mennie 0
  1 only GPPIFR laser 3300 super new year sale.Jack Ogilvie117522 Jan 19:19Jack Ogilvie 0
  Tiggerlong tonk Stud credentials.Jakota Rohde473422 Jan 06:39Mitchell Carter 2
  Transporter required.Jack Ogilvie992321 Jan 07:25Trent Harding 0
  Beware .Transporter rip off.Jack Ogilvie376821 Jan 05:48Rod Hampton 0
  Mr Audacious.Hot, Hot, Hot.Jack Ogilvie131620 Jan 20:53Robert Conway 0
163690 Topics  / 1374418 Messages   page  << 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 >>